What I’ve Read in Quarantine

Hello bookish friends,

I have not properly blogged in so long and I’ve kind of missed it! I posted a review here and there but haven’t properly gotten back into the swing of blogging. I’ve just got so busy with life and didn’t have time for it anymore until now. During these uncertain times with what’s happening in the world, being in quarantine and being stuck at home, a lot of people have more free time to do all the things you don’t usually have time for like reading. I’ve been more creative with drawing than I’ve ever been, which is weird! And recently I’ve spent a lot of time reading and I think I’ve fallen back in love with the joy of reading! I wanted to share some of what I’ve enjoyed reading during quarantine:


The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

I first read this trilogy back in 2013 as ebooks but as I loved it so much, I asked for it for my birthday and plus a reread was overdue. I binged this trilogy and enjoyed rereading this so much! Cassandra Clare’s writing improved so much since the Mortal Instruments and it was obvious that she’s done a lot of research on London in the Victorian era. The writing is beautifully written and sets the scene and tone of the books. The characters are wonderful and so memorable, I loved them all especially Will! Sighs. But I have to say the side characters were more interesting than Tessa! Continue reading “What I’ve Read in Quarantine”