Book Haul: February – September

I thought it was about time that I did a post on my second book haul. This haul took a lot longer to accumulate than my first haul because there have been books that kept me occupied *coughs Mistborn*. There were actually more books I wanted to buy but I know I’m not going to read them straightaway, so I’ll reserve to purchase them in my next haul (whatever that is). I think this haul is a good amount for now ^_^



The first thing I brought back in January is not exactly a book…but looks like one! It was this purple Penguin books bag, which is a colour I’ve been looking for a while! They also come in the classic Penguin orange, pink, green and red, which are very colourful and bright. I felt like the purple is more of a subtle colour. I really love this bag and have been wearing it quite a lot! It has a popper clasp on the inside of the bag, which helps it to be secure. They are retailed price at £12.99 in bookshops but you can get them cheaper at Amazon. Continue reading “Book Haul: February – September”

First Book Haul

Hi Everyone ^_^

Sharing with you my first book haul (it’s more of a collective haul), accumulated from Sept-Jan! I really enjoy seeing what everyone else’s brought in their book hauls. I didn’t think I’d ever do a book haul, as I don’t buy a lot of books at the same time. I read a lot of e-books, as it takes up less space and convenient when your on the go. I know it sort of takes away the real feeling of reading an actual book but I’ve grown use to it.

But in August of last year, I looked at my shelf and thought that I should really build on my shelf and buy some new books and here I am! After reading e-books for so long, it was really nice to read physical books and also they look lovely on the shelf.


DSC03390The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford Continue reading “First Book Haul”